Our Collections

The following collections are maintained by Fall City Historical Society.

Permanent Collection - books, photographs, recordings, documents, artifacts, and cultural objects that pertain specifically to Fall City history, with emphasis on the period from 1840 to the present. Records of all objects which have ever been part of the permanent collections will be kept in perpetuity.

Education Collection - photographs, documents and artifacts connected to Fall City history or useful in creating displays of various historical periods. Items in the Education Collection will be recorded and tracked, but may be removed from the collection if better examples are found or if necessitated by storage limitations.

Reference Collection - photographs, recordings, documents, maps and books (both nonfiction and fiction), kept available in the Historical Society office for research by staff and by visitors.

NEW…access to collections online Since the beginning of our work, we have used PastPerfect software to organize, catalog and search our collections. With the help of a King County 4Culture grant in 2013, we are now working toward making the items in our collections available online, hosted by a special PastPerfect service. See the Online Collections page for more information and tips on searching.

Our Collections
Our Collections
Our Collections
Photos on this site property of Fall City Historical Society unless otherwise noted. USE PHOTOS ONLY WITH PERMISSION.
Special thanks to Snoqualmie Valley Historical Museum for sharing classic Fall City photos from their collection.